Simple Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption

There are some very smart and easy ways to Reduce Energy Consumption. The solutions presented below are suitable for both homes and businesses; with good planning and commitment, you can make your electricity bill look a lot more attractive…

Tips for Homeowners

Forget about ‘standby’ mode: It may be convenient but, over time, it impacts your bill. Disconnect phone chargers from sockets and shut down the computer when not in use.

Buy economical light bulbs:

Today, there is no shortage of choice when shopping for efficient light bulbs; the leading lighting brands now produce something for every style and budget. Unfortunately, there are some economical lighting products that emit substances, which can be unhealthy, or even dangerous. So before you buy, do your research and stick to the reputable brands.

Consider home energy audits:

This is a great way to find out how to maximize your home’s energy efficiency. An energy audit is a survey that will analyze your home’s structure, how effectively it is insulated and whether your heating/cooling systems are properly balanced. Good energy audit will even consider your lifestyle; how you use your home, how many people live in the property, how often it is occupied, etc. Professional energy auditors can provide energy efficiency advice that is tailored to fit the way you live your life.

Improve insulation:

Many homeowners don’t need better heating or cooling systems, they just have to retain the benefits of those systems, through better insulation. Obviously, walls, windows and roofs are the largest physical areas; these are the surfaces where poor insulation will allow heat and cool air to escape, or conversely, allow hot or cold outside temperatures to force your heating ventilation and air conditioning systems to work much harder. Apart from some of the simple fixes like eliminating drafts; explore options such as, injecting insulation into wall cavities, upgrading loft insulation and thermal treatments for windows.

Install ceiling fans:

Don’t underestimate their usefulness. Ceiling fans keep air moving, which can dissipate heat and take some of the strain off your heating and cooling systems. Ceiling fans not only improve efficiency, moving air enhances the cooling experience.

Reduce the temperature of heated water:

In many cases, the temperature of hot water systems in our homes is set unnecessarily high. Decide on a lower temperature that will fulfill the needs of your household and re-set the system to that lower value. Your water heating will use less energy, it will happen faster, and your utility bill could also re-set to a lower number.

Tips for Entrepreneurs

  • Opt for modern energy efficient materials when selecting, or building your business/manufacturing space. Such materials are an important investment when planning for the future. Committing to the right construction materials early on, will deliver long-term business benefits through reducing operating costs and creating working conditions that are optimized for productivity.
  • When possible, buy or stipulate goods that use the minimal amount of packaging. Apart from cutting out the cost of unnecessary material, there will be less waste, less garbage disposal and a boost to your ‘green’ credentials.
  • Transform refrigeration operations by taking advantage of new scientific solutions. If your company is dependent on refrigeration processes, it could benefit from using EcoCOOL®, a unique synthetic catalyst that was designed to restore the operating efficiency of refrigeration systems. This product will improve your system’s heat exchange, enhance the performance of the refrigerant and deliver quieter smoother running. In refrigerated processing environments, EcoCOOL® will enable systems to reach set-point temperatures faster, effectively increasing the processing capacity of the equipment. In addition to cutting operating costs, EcoCOOL® also delivers a critical ecological benefit – reduced carbon emissions.
  • Use geothermal energy. If we ever consider the geothermal option, it’s likely that we don’t think it applies to us, unless we actually live in an area with hot springs or geysers! This isn’t necessarily true; the earth’s natural heat can be accessed, more easily and in more places, than we imagine. For example, check-out how ground source heat-pumps harness the heat of the earth, which is then conducted to the spaces in which we live and work.

These are not exhaustive lists of ideas, but they provide good starting points for reducing costs through implementing practical energy efficiency initiatives. Depending on your particular situation, try combining tips from both lists.