Energy Efficiency
It is almost impossible to talk about the contemporary world and all the wonders humans have achieved without referring to electricity. In terms of comfort and safety, heating and cooling systems have made our life much easier giving us the chance of enjoying a warm environment during winter time and fresher air during summer and, at the same time, being able to preserve food, medicines and many other important goods. Our existence relies in a major way on energy, basically electricity, which represents a huge percentage of our spending, both personal and by companies.
Energy generation comes with a very high price, though. In the past we weren’t as conscious about the amount of resources that our electricity generation consumed. It wasn’t until the first oil crisis that we realized that the impact on the environment could make it impossible to sustain the level of lifestyle we enjoyed if we continued spending energy in the inefficient ways we had adopted. Here are some of the costs of those practices up until the present day:
of global warming pollution is estimated to come from energy generation and its use.
billion paid by consumers every year for electricity estimated to be lost to energy waste and inefficiency.
billion spent each year on energy bills for commercial buildings.
of energy used by commercial buildings could be cut through investments in energy efficiency.
It is very apparent that one of the best ways to continue the progress and development of our country is to become more responsible and smarter users of our resources. Some of the measures that can be taken by you are as easy as adding EcoCOOL® to your cooling systems, thereby making them work more efficiently. ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), an organization representing building system design and industrial processes professionals around the world, has determined that one of the fundamental issues that needs to be tackled in terms of energy efficiency is the maintenance of heating and cooling systems in buildings. Keeping them working properly would lead to savings of up to 25% in electricity bills, with an important impact on electricity generation costs globally.
- Buildings that meet the ASHRAE 90.1-2001 standard and are placed in service between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2013 are eligible for a tax deduction. Savings of 20% in cooling and heating, can qualify for a deduction of $0.60 per square foot.
Source: U.S. Federal Government
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